GAVISCON ADVANCE GOÛT MENTHE UNIDOSE SUSP. BUV. SACHET - posologie, utilisation, effets secondaires, indication

Générique: other drugs for peptic ulcer and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (gord)
Substance active: Alginate de Sodium 500 mg/5 ml ; Bicarbonatede Potassium 100 mg/5 ml (alginate de sodium, bicarbonatede potassium)
Alternatives: Gaviscon Antiacide-Antireflux compr. à croquer, Gaviscon Antiacide-Antireflux susp. buv., Gaviscon Antiacide-Antireflux Unidose susp. buv. sachet
Groupe ATC: A02BX - other drugs for peptic ulcer and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (gord)
Teneur en substance active:
Formes: Suspension buvable
: Sachet
: 24 x 5 ml, 20 x 5 ml, 12 x 5 ml, 4 x 5 ml, 48 x 5 ml, 10 x 5 ml (Suspension buvable)
: Voie orale