PURINOL - dosage, use, side effects, indication

Generic: allopurinol
Active substance: Alopurinol (allopurinol)
Alternatives: Allopurinol Apotex, Allopurinol aurobindo, Allopurinol indoco, Allopurinol medreg, Allopurinol mylan, Allopurinol warren, Allospes, Alopurinol Glenmark, Alopurinol sandoz, Apo-allopurinol, Milurit, Milurit 100, Purinol
ATC group: M04AA01 - allopurinol
Active substance content: 100MG, 300MG
Forms: Tablet
: 30, 100, 50 (Tablet)
: Oral use
: Antigout preparations

Purinol & Detralex & Stacyl

Food interactions and other recommendationsPurinol: Avoid alcohol. Take with a full glass of water. Take with food. Stacyl: Avoid alcohol, alcohol appears to cause a 50 to 100% increa ..more

Purinol & Detralex & Stacyl

 Side effects Purinol & Detralex  Side effects Purinol & Stacyl  Side effects Detralex & Stacyl  ..more

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