AGAPURIN SR 400 package insert - patient

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Package insert - patient: Agapurin sr 400 - 400MG Prolonged-release tablet

: Agapurin sr 400 400MG TBL PRO
Generic: pentoxifylline
Active substance: Pentoxifylin (pentoxifylline)
ATC group: C04AD03 - pentoxifylline
Manufacturer: Saneca Pharmaceuticals a. s., Nitrianska 100, Hlohovec, Slovenská republika. Zentiva, k.s., U Kabelovny 130, 102 37, Praha 10 - Dolní Měcholupy, Česká republika.

Agapurin sr 400 Dosage


Agapurin sr 400 Side effects


Agapurin sr 400 Interactions


Agapurin sr 400 Package insert - complet

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