ASTHMEX - Prices and alternatives


Prices and alternatives to the drug: Asthmex

Average current drug charges: Asthmex

Asthmex 50MCG/500MCG


Price: - , : -

10X60DÁV inh plv dos

BLIGlenmark Pharmaceuticals s.r.o., Praha

Asthmex 50MCG/500MCG


Price: - , : -

1X60DÁV inh plv dos

BLIGlenmark Pharmaceuticals s.r.o., Praha

Asthmex 50MCG/500MCG


Price: - , : -

2X60DÁV inh plv dos

BLIGlenmark Pharmaceuticals s.r.o., Praha

Asthmex 50MCG/500MCG


Price: - , : -

3X60DÁV inh plv dos

BLIGlenmark Pharmaceuticals s.r.o., Praha

Asthmex - Alternative prices (average supplement) with the same active ingredient to the drug

No alternatives found

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