FLUANXOL DEPOT - dosage, use, side effects, indication

Generic: flupentixol
Active substance: Flupentixol-dekanoát (flupentixol decanoate)
Alternatives: Fluanxol, Fluanxol depot
ATC group: N05AF01 - flupentixol
Active substance content: 20MG/ML
Forms: Solution for injection
: 10X2ML (Solution for injection)
: Intramuscular use
: Antipsychotics

Fluanxol depot & Wobenzym & Spasmed 15 & Der..

Food interactions and other recommendationsFluanxol depot: Avoid alcohol. Take with food to reduce irritation. Combination of common side effects of all medicines  ..more

Fluanxol depot & Wobenzym

Food interactions and other recommendationsFluanxol depot: Avoid alcohol. Take with food to reduce irritation. Combination of common side effects of all medicines  ..more

Fluanxol depot & Wobenzym & Spasmed 15 & Der..

 Side effects Fluanxol depot & Wobenzym  Side effects Fluanxol depot & Spasmed 15  Side effects Fluanxol depot & Dermovate  Side effects Wobenzym & Spasmed 15  Side effects ..more

Fluanxol depot & Wobenzym

 Side effects Fluanxol depot & Wobenzym  ..more

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