LEVOPRONT - dosage, use, side effects, indication

Generic: levodropropizine
Active substance: Levodropropizin (levodropropizine)
Alternatives: Dituzdin, Levopront, Levopront kapky
ATC group: R05DB27 - levodropropizine
Active substance content: 6MG/ML
Forms: Syrup
: 1X200ML (Syrup)
: Oral use
: Cough suppressants, excl. combinations with expectora

Levopront & Euthyrox

Food interactions and other recommendationsEuthyrox: Absorption increased in fasting state and decreased in malabsorption states. Consistent administration in relation to meals is recommended. ..more

Levopront & Euthyrox

 Side effects Levopront & Euthyrox  ..more

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