
Search results for ketonal

Drug combination: Paralen 500 & Ketonal

Food interactions and other recommendationsParalen 500: Avoid alcohol (may increase risk of hepatotoxicity). Take without regard to meals. Ketonal: Avoid alcohol. Food prolongs rate of absorption and decreases peak plasma concentration. Extent of absorption is not affected. Take with food to reduce gastric ........

Tags: Drug combination Paralen, Paralen 500 & Ketonal, ketonal

Side effects: Paralen 500 & Ketonal

Side effects Paralen 500 & Ketonal . Side effects Paralen 500 & Ketonal .......

Tags: Side effects Paralen, Paralen 500 & Ketonal, ketonal

Side effects: Ketonal forte & Paralen 500

Side effects Ketonal forte & Paralen 500 . Side effects Paralen 500 & Ketonal .......

Tags: Side effects Ketonal, Ketonal forte & Paralen 500, ketonal

Drug combination: Ketonal forte & Paralen 500

Food interactions and other recommendations Ketonal forte: Avoid alcohol. Food prolongs rate of absorption and decreases peak plasma concentration. Extent of absorption is not affected. Take with food to reduce gastric irritation. Paralen 500: Avoid alcohol (may increase risk of hepatotoxicity). Take without regard ........

Tags: Drug combination Ketonal, Ketonal forte & Paralen 500, ketonal

Drug combination: Sorvasta & Ketonal

Food interactions and other recommendations Ketonal: Avoid alcohol. Food prolongs rate of absorption and decreases peak plasma concentration. Extent of absorption is not affected. Take with food to reduce gastric irritation. Combination of common side effects of all medicines . Food interactions and other ........

Tags: Drug combination Sorvasta, Sorvasta & Ketonal, ketonal

Side effects: Sorvasta & Ketonal

Side effects Sorvasta & Ketonal . Side effects Sorvasta & Ketonal .......

Tags: Side effects Sorvasta, Sorvasta & Ketonal, ketonal

Read about Ketonal. To make it easier to search for topic: ketonal, we have prepared a list of links for search terms: Ketonal. You can find a comparison of interactions, drug descriptions and other articles about topic: Ketonal.
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