Hypnogen & Zyprexa

Hypnogen & Zyprexa Olanzapine may increase the central nervous system depressant (CNS depressant) activities...more

Hypnogen & Zyprexa

Hypnogen & Zyprexa Olanzapine may increase the central nervous system depressant (CNS depressant) activities...more

Xanax & Zolpidem

Xanax & Zolpidem orion Alprazolam may increase the central nervous system depressant (CNS depressant)...more

Hypnogen & Zyprexa

Hypnogen & Zyprexa Olanzapine may increase the central nervous system depressant (CNS depressant) activities...more

Hypnogen & Zyprexa

Hypnogen & Zyprexa Olanzapine may increase the central nervous system depressant (CNS depressant) activities...more

Xanax & Zolpidem

Xanax & Zolpidem orion Alprazolam may increase the central nervous system depressant (CNS depressant)...more

Nebilet & Cezera

Side effects Nebilet a Cezera Diarrhea, Dizziness, Fatigue, Headache, Nausea, Insomnia,...more

Venlafaxin & Cipralex &

Side effects Venlafaxin mylan a Cipralex Abdominal Pain, Alopecia, amenorrhoea, amnesia, Anemia, Angina,...more

Brintellix & Voltaren

Side effects Brintellix a Voltaren...more

Aspirin & Lanzul & Tulip & Glucopha..

Side effects Aspirin protect 100 a Lanzul Side effects Aspirin protect 100 a Tulip Side effects Aspirin...more

Neurol & Trittico & Mirtazapin

Side effects Neurol 0,5 a Trittico ac 150 amnesia, anger, Back pain, Confusion, Constipation, decreased...more

Hypnogen & Zyprexa

Side effects Hypnogen a Zyprexa Abdominal Pain, amnesia, Anxiety, Arthralgia, Arthritis, Asthenia, ataxia,...more

Euthyrox & Stoptussin

Side effects Euthyrox a Stoptussin...more

Xanax & Zolpidem

Side effects Xanax a Zolpidem orion Abdominal Pain, amnesia, Anorexia, Anxiety, Arthralgia, Asthenia,...more

Alfacalcidol & Detralex & Biomin & ..

Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Detralex Side effects Alfacalcidol cande a Biomin h Side effects...more

Amoksiklav & Fraxiparine & Paralen

Side effects Amoksiklav 625 mg a Fraxiparine Side effects Amoksiklav 625 mg a Paralen 500 Diarrhea,...more

Letrox & Vesicare & Prestarium & Da..

Side effects Letrox a Vesicare Side effects Letrox a Prestarium neo forte Side effects Letrox a Dasselta...more

Monkasta & Klacid & Erdomed & Codei..

Side effects Monkasta a Klacid 500 Asthenia, Dizziness, Dyspepsia, rash, fever, Headache, flu, Pain,...more

Diclofenac & Trombex & Salazopyrin ..

Side effects Diclofenac duo pharmaswiss a Trombex Abdominal Pain, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness,...more

Warfarin & Dexoket & Relpax & Perse..

Side effects Warfarin pmcs a Dexoket Side effects Warfarin pmcs a Relpax Side effects Warfarin pmcs...more

Quamatel & Prenewel & Argofan & Det..

Side effects Quamatel a Prenewel Side effects Quamatel a Argofan 150 sr Constipation, Diarrhea, Dizziness,...more

Trombex & Stoptussin

Side effects Trombex a Stoptussin...more

Tritace & Vimpat & Milurit & Trombe..

Side effects Tritace a Vimpat Asthenia, Chest pain, Diarrhea, Dizziness, Headache, Nausea, vertigo,...more

Twicor & Ezen

Side effects Twicor...more

About project

A freely available non-commercial project for the purpose of laic drug comparisons at the level of interactions, side effects as well as drug prices and their alternatives

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