Augmentin 600 mg

Search results for augmentin 600 mg

Drug combination: Augmentin 1 g & Trombex

Food interactions and other recommendations Augmentin 1 g: Take without regard to meals. Combination of common side effects of all medicines .Abdominal Pain . Diarrhea .rash . Headache .Nausea . Itching .Vomiting .......

Tags: Drug combination Augmentin, Augmentin 1 g & Trombex, augmentin 600 mg

Side effects: Trombex & Augmentin 1,2 g

Side effects Trombex & Augmentin 1,2 g . Food interactions and other recommendations Augmentin 1 g: Take without regard to meals. Combination of common side effects of all medicines .Abdominal Pain . Diarrhea .rash . Headache .Nausea . Itching .Vomiting .......

Tags: Side effects Trombex, Trombex & Augmentin 1,2 g, augmentin 600 mg

Side effects: Wobenzym & Thiogamma 600 oral & Trombex

Side effects Wobenzym & Thiogamma 600 oral . Side effects Thiogamma 600 oral & Trombex . Side effects Wobenzym & Thiogamma 600 oral . . Side effects Wobenzym & Trombex . . Side effects Thiogamma 600 oral & Trombex .......

Tags: Side effects Wobenzym, Wobenzym & Thiogamma 600 oral & Trombex, augmentin 600 mg

Side effects: Paralen 500 & Ibalgin 600

Side effects Paralen 500 & Ibalgin 600 .......

Tags: Side effects Paralen, Paralen 500 & Ibalgin 600, augmentin 600 mg

Drug combination: Trombex & Augmentin 1,2 g

Food interactions and other recommendations Augmentin 1,2 g: Take without regard to meals. Combination of common side effects of all medicines .Abdominal Pain . Diarrhea .rash . Headache .Nausea . Itching .Vomiting .......

Tags: Drug combination Trombex, Trombex & Augmentin 1,2 g, augmentin 600 mg

Drug combination: Prenessa & Euthyrox & Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta

Food interactions and other recommendationsPrenessa: Herbs that may attenuate the antihypertensive effect of perindopril include: bayberry, blue cohash, cayenne, ephedra, ginger, ginseng (American), kola and licorice. High salt intake may attenuate the antihypertensive effect of perindopril. Perindopril may decrease the excretion of ........

Tags: Drug combination Prenessa, Prenessa & Euthyrox & Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta, augmentin 600 mg

Side effects: Augmentin 1 g & Trombex

Side effects Augmentin 1 g & Trombex . Food interactions and other recommendationsPrenessa: Herbs that may attenuate the antihypertensive effect of perindopril include: bayberry, blue cohash, cayenne, ephedra, ginger, ginseng (American), kola and licorice. High salt intake may attenuate the antihypertensive effect ........

Tags: Side effects Augmentin, Augmentin 1 g & Trombex, augmentin 600 mg

Drug combination: Paralen 500 & Ibalgin 600

Ibalgin 600: Avoid alcohol Food delays the time to reach peak plasma concentrations by 30-60 minutes and reduces peak plasma concentrations by 30-50%. Food interactions and other recommendationsParalen 500: Avoid alcohol (may increase risk of hepatotoxicity). Take without regard to meals. Ibalgin
Tags: Drug combination Paralen, Paralen 500 & Ibalgin 600, augmentin 600 mg

Side effects: Prenessa & Euthyrox & Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta

Side effects Prenessa & Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta . Side effects Euthyrox & Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta . Side effects Prenessa & Euthyrox . . Side effects Prenessa & Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta . . Side ........

Tags: Side effects Prenessa, Prenessa & Euthyrox & Caltrate 600 mg/400 iu d3 potahovaná tableta, augmentin 600 mg

Drug combination: Wobenzym & Thiogamma 600 oral & Trombex

Food interactions and other recommendationsCombination of common side effects of all medicines .......

Tags: Drug combination Wobenzym, Wobenzym & Thiogamma 600 oral & Trombex, augmentin 600 mg

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